Thank you…

…We do not need your service.

Voilà peut-être ce que vous vous entendrez dire pour avoir refusé le tarif de 0,08€/mot, généreusement offert un samedi matin. Et pour avoir remarqué que le CV que l’on vous demande de traduire de l’anglais au français existe probablement déjà en français puisque c’est la nationalité du candidat.

Traduire une traduction un samedi matin à 8 cents du mot ? Thanks, but no thanks.

3 réflexions au sujet de « Thank you… »

  1. Vive le samedi libre ! En plus, c'est la journée du patrimoine en France…

  2. Un mail de l'agence américaine Multilingual reçu récemment (je le reproduis presque entièrement, désolée pour la longueur)

    "MultiLingual Solutions (MLS), has done its very best not to let the challenging economic situation facing businesses today affect our relationship. Unfortunately, we now have to take action in order to continue to meet our customers’ needs as they also make their own financial adjustments to remain competitive. This action includes the following:

    1. Reduction of Per Word Rates

    In order to stay competitive and offer our clients the most affordable rates that we can, we are asking all of our current Associates to consider reducing your current Per Word Rates. As a result of our presence in the marketplace and the Internet, we are contacted daily by new Associates who are interested in working with our firm. These new Associates are located within the USA and abroad and offer significantly lower Per Word Rates. We are now forced to begin utilizing these new Associates and begin to take advantage of the lower Per Word Rates being offered. We will not sacrifice quality for cost. However, preference will be given to new and existing Associates with the lowest Per Word Rates and proven track record for quality of work.

    2. Payment on Source Word Count or final English Target Word Count

    Payments will be made on the Source English Word Count or final Target English Word Count for all languages. Payments will not be made on expanded Target Word Counts that vary from the Source Word Count on English > Foreign Language projects. Foreign Language > English projects will be paid on the Target English Word Count.
    3. Recruiting Effort

    As a courtesy, I also wanted to let you know that MLS will begin actively recruiting and testing new Associates who are able to provide the quality of services that meet our standards at Per Word Rates that allow us to remain competitive.

    I invite you to respond to me directly via email regarding the above as well as the not to exceed rates for your language pair(s) provided below. As I stated previously, we will not sacrifice quality for cost. However, preference will be given to new and existing Associates with the lowest Per Word Rates and a proven track record for quality of work.

    $ 0.07
    $ 0.084
    $ 0.098

    Semi – Technical
    $ 0.09
    $ 0.108
    $ 0.126

    $ 0.11
    $ 0.132
    $ 0.154 "

    Tout cela payé royalement en dollars ; ils sont drôles non ? Avis aux amateurs…

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